Title One

Welcome to Title One!

Ed Techs: Mrs. McLean and Ms. Gravel

What is Title One learning about?

We are learning about the skills needed to be good readers, writers, and mathematicians in every grade level. We build a large vocabulary by using our word rings each day, and work on reading stories that we can bring home later. 

We practice reading, writing, and math skills each day and offer support in classrooms for math lessons. 

What can we look forward to this year?

You will find that students gain a large number of learning skills and come to love learning. We also hope to begin working on test taking skills by practicing summarizing and analyzing stories, and by checking our work each day to make sure we are using all of our skills we learn. 

Unique Features:

We often allow students a quiet place to work in small groups or individually at our study table. Each Title One student has their very own folder that we collect our skills in.